Monday, May 19, 2008


Soil Profile 2 (Floodplain Profile) Description:

A Horizon- This layer is found in the top 36cm of the soil profile (Chris Murray, 2006). It is composed of mineral materials, and has a silt-loam texture (Chris Murray, 2006).

Bt1 Horizon- The second layer has a lower case t to indicate a clay increase (Chris Murray, 2006). It is found from 36-48cm and has a silty clay texture (Chris Murray, 2006).

Bt2 Horizon- This horizon is found from 48-66cm and also has a strong increase in clay percentage (Chris Murray, 2006). It has a clayey texture and a high concentration of gray mottles indicating the presence of a water table at 48cm (Chris Murray, 2006).

Bt3 Horizon- The final layer is found at 66cm and continues well below this point (Chris Murray, 2006). The gray colors indicate that this soil is saturated throughout most of the year (Chris Murray, 2006). It also has a heavy clay structure (Chris Murray, 2006)

Graph compliments of

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