Monday, May 19, 2008


Located in North-East Italy, the climate in Venice changes through out the year (Comune di Venezia, 2008). The hottest month is July and coldest month is January (Comune di Venezia, 2008).

During the fall and winter months Venice can suffer from flooding extremely often (Comune di Venezia, 2008). November seems to have flooding almost on a daily basis, because of Acqua Alta (Comune di Venezia, 2008).

Acqua Alta regularly occurs in the city of Venice, most often occuring during autumn and spring months (Comune di Venezia, 2008). It involves the flooding of Venice, or, and in the most severe cases, up to 96% of the City streets (Comune di Venezia, 2008).

Acqua Alta occurs when water is above 90 cm. (35.4 inches), over the average sea level (Comune di Venezia, 2008).

Graph compliments of The BBC Weather Center

A larger version of the temperature graph, with year round recordings of the highs, lows and the average.

Graph compliments of


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